Release Notes for E2VII/Tuxedo-A Plugin for XVWeb Capture
Published 2024-12-09
E2VII/Tuxedo-A Plugin for XVWeb Capture allows E2VII/Tuxedo-A devices to interface with XVWeb Capture. XVWeb Capture will automatically check for plugin updates.
Version numbers are Major.Minor.Patch and they may not always be sequential. Subject to change.
XVWeb Capture E2VII 6.2.0 (release 2024-12-09)
- Clean up and improvement of the directories that the plugin stores data in. (XVWC-1432)
XVWeb Capture E2VII 6.1.0 (release 2024-10-31)
- Minor updates and Improvements. (XVWC-1352)
XVWeb Capture E2VII 6.0.0 (release 2024-08-08)
- Associated logs older than 7 days will automatically be purged. (XVWC-1142)
XVWeb Capture E2VII 5.7.1 (release 2024-07-24)
- Plugin specific logs are now capable of being updated while XVWeb Capture is still running. (XVWC-1088)
XVWeb Capture E2VII Plugin 5.7 (Released 2024-05-24)
- Updated e2vII sensors to display their serial number in regular (decimal) format instead of hex in the DICOM File. (XVWC-855)
XVWeb Capture E2VII Plugin 5.6.1 (Released 2024-05-16)
XVWeb Capture E2VII Plugin 5.6 (Released 2024-04-23)
- Fixed an issue where some post capture filter effects values were reversed. (XVWC-879)
XVWeb Capture E2VII Plugin 5.5 (Released 2024-04-09)
Fixed an issue where unplugging and plugging in an e2vII sensor might cause the capture ambassador to crash. (XVWC-829)
Fixed an issue where e2vII device settings were not respected. (XVWC-826)
Updated e2vII sensors to display their serial number in regular (decimal) format instead of hex. (XVWC-756)
XVWeb Capture E2VII Plugin 5.4 (Released 2024-03-08)
- Fixed an issue where e2vII devices to include Tuxedo A Series sensors would not apply the filters configured in device settings. (XVWC-813)
XVWeb Capture E2VII Plugin 5.3 (Released 2024-02-12)
XVWeb Capture E2VII Plugin 5.2 (Released 2024-01-30)
XVWeb Capture E2VII Plugin 5.1 (Released 2023-12-12)
- Initial release of the E2VII/Tuxedo-A plugin released separately from the XVWeb.Capture Ambassador.