Published 2022-10-10
Subject to changes and corrections.
Version 10.1 (Build 7) (Released TBD)
Beta Release 2015-05-28
- Changed default hardware settings for sensitivity and integration time. (F2819)
- Resolved issue with supporting production (pre-release) sensors. (B1196)
Version 10.1 (Build 6) (Released TBD)
Beta Release 2014-06-12
- Changed SuniRay default filtering. (F2291)
Version 10.1 (Build 5) (Released TBD)
Beta Release 2013-02-19
- Resolved crashing issue with pre-release versions of sensors. (B837)
- Resolved issue with SuniRay orange light remaining on after capture. (B897)
Version 10.1 (Build 4) (Released TBD)
Beta Release 2012-12-19
- Modified default filter settings for SuniRay. (F1605)
Version 10.1 (Build 3) (Released 2011-11-11)
- Added the ability to capture 1600/1800/1200 sensors using a SuniUSB2000 box. (F937)
Version 10.0 (Build 15) (Released 2011-03-22)
- Changed default SSI enhancement to Low for SuniRay. (F929)
- Changed SuniRay detection sensitivity default to 4. (F929)
Version 10.0 (Build 14) (Released 2011-02-01)
- Removed options tabs for 2000+. (F916)
- Resolved issue with retaining old filter settings from previous SED versions. (B526)
Version 10.0 (Build 12) (Released 2010-12-10)
- Now applying Adaptive Normalize to all SuniRay images. (Bug 494)
Version 10.0 (Build 11) (Released 2010-12-08)
- Resolved memory overflow issue with SuniRay sensor intermittently returning a corner-cut image. (Bug 487)
- Resolved issue with edge trimming not being applied to SuniRay images. (Bug 492)
- Resolved issue with image resolution being set to 1x1 when an SSI filter is applied through the SED. (Bug 490)
Version 10.0 (Build 10) (Released 2010-12-01)
- Modified code to properly handle SuniRay sensors with “X” in the serial number, to avoid corner cutting on the images. (Bug 487)
Version 10.0 (Build 9) (Released 2010-11-12)
- Resolved SED backwards compatibility issue with pre-3.12 XV by renaming layout tile capture reorient function. (Feature 846)
Version 10.0 (Build 8) (Released 2010-11-01)
- Adjust shift in defect correction with 2000 boxes and C, D sensors. (Feature 841)
Version 1.2 (Build 1) (Released 2010-03-30)
- Redesign of the internal imaging engine.
- Change made to enable support the 64-bit drivers.
- Defaults changed for 2000 sensors (Gamma = .7; Contrast = +10).
- Defaults changed for the SuniRay sensors (median filtering).
- Timeout of the sensor increased.
- Support option added to produce a raw sensor data file.
- Watermarks changed in the returned images.
Version 1.1 (Build 20) (Released 2009-12-29)
- Reverted 2000 sensor flaw correction back to original method.
- Three column defect correction handling added.
- Defaults changed for SuniRay sensors (Gamma = .75; Fast median noise reduction; Smooth 3x3 @ 50 factor)
- Flush time extension option added for 2000 sensor.
Version 1.1 (Build 15) (Released 2009-08-26)
- Modified Quick Sensor Capture button functionality for USB2000 and SuniRay sensor, so that it checks for the hardware everytime the button is pressed.
Version 1.1 (Build 14) (Released 2009-07-29)
- Modified to use default pixel correction for both column and row defects when 3 column/row defect is being corrected.
Version 1.1 (Build 11) (Released 2009-07-23)
- Resolve issue with 3 column defect correction.
Version 1.1 (Build 7) (Released 2009-01-23)
- Removed CRC check for CMOS sensors.
- Modification for noise correction function.
- Restored the FPN correction to the original values.
- Default threshold updated.
- Added 1.5 second delay before the “sensor ready” green screen is displayed.
- Added enhancement options similar to Suni Imaging SED.
- Incorporated newest firmware and generic drivers.
- Error message that was displayed when a 2000 sensor is plugged in after capturing a suni ray image was corrected.
- Added random row defect correction code (stitch correction).