Report Generator
Published 2022-10-10
Subject to changes and corrections.
Version 1.2 (Build 7) (Released TBD)
Beta Release 2013-02-27
- Added ability to report off of image revisions. (F1495)
Version 1.2 (Build 6) (Released TBD)
Beta Release 2012-08-21
- Corrected issue where some db reports had the primary and ghost image counts swapped. (B812)
- Added support for SQL database. (F1033)
Version 1.2 (Build 4) (Released 2011-06-30)
- Added Cached Data Accumulation option to optimize reporting time when using the full data accumulation reporting options. (F1041)
- Optimized memory usage to consume less resources when fewer criteria are selected. (F1045)
Version 1.2 (Build 2) (Released 2011-04-25)
- Empty database entries are no longer reported as Invalid Images. (b560)
- Title bars adjusted so they appear above the correct sections of the Report Generator interface. (b561)
Version 1.2 (Build 1) (Released 2010-08-17)
- Components and environment updated for compliance with new versions of the software.
- Updated to the new database version.
- Modified the reports based on station name.
Version 1.1 (Build 3) (Released 2010-02-04)
- Added new series, study, image reports.
- Added new study and series count reports.
- Added new keyword search reports.
Version 1.1 (Build 2) (Released 2009-12-23)
- GUI interface changes.
- New ability to specify how patient’s should be listed in the various reports: by ID; by name; or by name and ID.
- Reformatted the following reports: patient summary image count; patient itemized image count.
- Now all reports will split IO modality into bite wing and PA based on the setting.
- Operator report will now break down the image counts by image type (e.g. primary; ghosted; retake).
Version 1.1 (Build 1) (Released 2009-11-24)
- Added new DICOM engine that provides over a 4x increase in speed when performing standard data accummulation.
- Added new patient name report.
- Added new sensor capture report.
- Updated workstation capture report.
- Corrected problem with date range specification.
Version 1.0 (Build 10) (Released 2009-11-13)
- Added new report: workstation capture count.
Version 1.0 (Build 9) (Released 2009-05-27)
- Added the ability to separate the various IO modality reports into IO(bitewing) and IO(PA).
Version 1.0 (Build 8) (Released 2009-03-14)
- Added new “operator” report class.
Version 1.0 (Build 7) (Released 2008-08-12)
- Made changes to better use the new ghosted/retaken image classifications.
Version 1.0 (Build 6) (Released 2008-06-25)
- Made correction to date range specification. Previously you can specify the same date for the start and the end and it would not match any entries (you had to specify at least a two day date range).
Version 1.0 (Build 5) (Released 2008-06-24)
- Changes made so the report generate can handle the new original, ghosted and retake image designations.
- New option added to allow the user to select to print all image, original images, ghosted images or retaken images.
- New option added to allow the user to print image thumbnail sheets. These sheets contain thumbnails of the corresponding images and some primary information.
- “Yearly/Month/Daily” heading now changes on the reports based on what detail level the user selects.
Version 1.0 (Build 4) (Released 2008-03-25)
- Added command line options support to allow an invoking application to specify the database that should be used when the Report Generator is launched.
Version 1.0 (Build 3) (Released 2008-02-26)
- Added new options for breaking down total image counts by year, month and/or day.
- Added new options for breaking down modality reports by year, month and/or day.