Published 2022-09-30
These release notes also apply to the following OEM products:
- DataLink
- InfoCarrier
- PI Bridge
- ProIntegrate
- Universal Integrator
Subject to changes and corrections.
Version 2.3 (Build 34) (Released TBD)
Beta Release 2018-04-18
- Updated registration components. (F3624)
- Added support for OEM version. (F3760)
Version 2.3 (Build 33) (Released 2017-08-17)
Beta Release 2017-04-13
- Updated icon/graphics in Apteryx DataGrabber version. (F3484)
Version 2.3 (Build 32) (Released 2017-04-06)
Beta Release 2017-03-10
- Added bridge support for another Apteryx Imaging OEM version. (F3439)
- Cleaned up Eaglesoft sniffer definitions and removed obsolete entries. (F3402)
Version 2.3 (Build 31) (Released 2017-01-06)
Beta Release 2016-11-07
- Updated OrthoTrac Chart sniffer definition. (F3338)
- Added bridge support for XVCapture and XVImageViewer OEM versions. (F3307)
Version 2.3 (Build 30) (Released TBD)
Beta Release 2016-09-13
- Corrected issue with Remote Notifications not working when DataGrabber is run as administrator (due to incorrect CLIENTNAME.) (B1309)
Version 2.3 (Build 29) (Released 2016-04-27)
Beta Release 2016-04-27
- Added clinic name and patient status (if available) to the Select Patient From External Database and Manually Launch windows. Currently only available for Dentrix Enterprise. (F3142)
Version 2.3 (Build 28) (Released 2016-03-11)
Beta Release 2016-03-11
- Resolved issue with command-line bridging to specific imaging system (change from SendMessage to PostMessage). (B1265)
Version 2.3 (Build 27) (Released TBD)
Beta Release 2016-01-20
- Added support for recognizing new Apteryx Imaging OEM version. (F3051)
Version 2.3 (Build 26) (Released 2015-07-08)
Beta Release 2015-05-13
- Added sniffer definition for Eaglesoft 17 Edit Patient window. (F2642, F2707)
- Modified Cornerstone sniffer definition to ignore pets with multiple owners. (F2737)
- Updated sniffer definitions for Ace Dental 12 Active Patient window. (F2641)
- Updated ABELDent sniffer definition for Patient Chart window. (F2741)
- Removed older Eaglesoft sniffer definitions that conflict with newer versions. (F2708)
- Spelling correction in Remote Notification description. (F2503)
Version 2.3 (Build 25) (Released TBD)
Beta Released TBD
- Built new Canary System OEM version of DataGrabber. (F2490)
Version 2.3 (Build 24) (Released TBD)
Beta Release 2014-08-28
- DataGrabber will now route command line bridged data to remote notifications. (F2536)
Version 2.3 (Build 23) (Released TBD)
Beta Release 2014-06-26
- Changed remote notification path to be a global setting instead of per workstation. (F2452)
Version 2.3 (Build 22) (Released TBD)
Beta Release 2014-06-12
- Added Carestream R4 sniffer definition. (F2105)
- Added Carestream Trophy Gestion (French) sniffer definition. (F2423)
- Added Dentrix Patient Chart sniffer definition options. (F2171)
- Added various patent numbers. (F2176)
- Modified Manually Launch Patient window to hide all patients until user types information. (F2181)
- Resolved issue with DataGrabber resetting launched application settings. (F2182)
- Added support for multi-language phrase translation capability. (F2044)
- Resolved issue with slow display of Manually Launch Patient window. (F2246)
- Updated interface theme rendering and graphics. (F2247, F2248)
- Added option to close the sniffed PM window after bridge is invoked. (F2271)
- Modified handling of Remote Notification network messaging. (F2305)
- Modification to execute function to specify working directory. (F2345)
- Added bridging support for LED Dental’s LED Imaging software. (F2433)
Version 2.3 (Build 21) (Released TBD)
Beta Release 2013-11-21
- Resolved issue with Manually Launch window closing when Enter key is pressed. (B1028)
Version 2.3 (Build 20) (Released TBD)
Beta Release 2013-10-29
- Ace Dental: Modified Active Patient sniffer definition, for Ace Dental version 11. (F2018)
- Option added to stop matching after first sniffer definition match. (F1995)
- Resolved issue with specific DataDrill crashing DataGrabber, or adding extra space characters to patient name (Orthotrac bridge only). (B1004)
- Internal functionality changes to support additional demographic data, e.g. Species, Responsible Persion (RP). (F1477; F1952; F1953; F1973; F1956)
Version 2.3 (Build 19) (Released TBD)
Beta Release 2013-05-02
- Added bridging support for DentalmindLite. (F1882)
Version 2.3 (Build 18) (Released TBD)
Beta Release 2013-04-10
- Modified sniffers for CS Practiceworks 7.5.3 (F1848)
- Resolved issue with remote notification mode. (F1808)
- Added WebDCV.DGDLL to upgrader. (F1274)
Version 2.3 (Build 17) (Released TBD)
Beta Release 2013-03-01
- Added bridging support for Dentalmind Imaging. (F1789)
Version 2.3 (Build 16) (Released TBD)
Beta Release 2013-02-06
- Added bridging support for QuickImage. (F1754)
Version 2.3 (Build 15) (Released TBD)
Beta Release 2012-12-10
- Added bridging support for ScanSmartCE. (F1503)
- Updated sniffer definition for Julie software. (F1549)
Version 2.3 (Build 14) (Released TBD)
Beta Release 2012-07-02
- Added bridging support for ScanSmart. (F1492)
Version 2.3 (Build 11) Beta (Released TBD) (Released TBD)
- Modified browse buttons for Remote Notification Paths to allow directory selection. (B800)
Version 2.3 (Build 10) (Released TBD)
Beta Release 2012-05-01
- Added functionality to allow bridging patient information through Remote Desktop and other remote access interfaces. (F1372)
- Added ability for ID numbers specified in sniffer definitions to be utilitized when consulting a DataDrill. (F1389)
- Visiodent: Added sniffer definition. (F1383)
- Julie: modified default sniffer definition. (F1392)
Version 2.3 (Build 9) (Released 2011-10-21)
- Dentrix G5: Added new sniffer definition support for Family File and Appointment Information windows. (F1133)
- Modified invocation to interpret double-click as a single-click, to avoid invoking target application twice. (F1124)
Version 2.3 (Build 8) (Released 2011-09-12)
- Added ability to “marry” floating invocation button to application window. (F512)
- Ace Dental: Added sniffer definition for chart. (F967)
- PracticeWorks: Modify chart sniffer definition to ignore company name (e.g. Kodak / Carestream). (F924)
- WinOMS: Added new sniffer defintion for WinOMS 8.2. (F965)
- MOGO: Modified sniffer definition for Transaction Info window. (F984)
Version 2.3 (Build 7) (Released 2011-03-08)
- Added support for Edlen Imaging LynxVision OEMs. (F899)
Version 2.3 (Build 6) (Released 2011-01-17)
- Added field search to Manually Launch Patient window. (F10)
- Added ability for DataGrabber to receive patient information through the standard Apteryx command line bridging format. (F560)
- Updated Softdent v11 Enhanced Patient Information sniffer definition to bridge from the drop-down name field. (B419)
- Updated Practiceworks Chart sniffer definition to ignore version number. (F884)
- Added a new GE Centricity sniffer definition. (F880)
- Added the masking of SSN in the selection and verification windows. (F843)
- Updated Exact sniffer definition to bridge the patient DOB from the titlebar. (F632)
- Resolved issue with DG icon disappearing from the system tray after a Windows Explorer crash. (B249)
- Updated Apteryx command line bridge to include gender. The old-style Apteryx command line format is also automatically replaced with the new format. (B518)
Version 2.3 (Build 5) (Released 2010-11-12)
- Add new OEM recognition for Dentalmind Oriview.
Version 2.3 (Build 4) (Released 2010-09-27)
- Components and environment updated for compliance with new versions of the software.
- Added new OEMs of the various software packages.
- Optimized EXE validation.
- Fills in more default applications (e.g. DCV product line).
- Updated icon display ability – now displays the more advanced icons associated with various applications.
- Replaced the pop-up scroll bars with standard Window’s scroll bars.
Version 2.2 (Build 5) (Released TBD)5/12/2010
- Added new internal Query function support for SQL type DataDrills. Significantly increases the speed when querying from and SQL type DataDrill.
Version 2.2 (Build 4) (Released 2010-02-18)
- Updated the definitions for Exact Dental.
Version 2.2 (Build 3) (Released 2010-01-06)
- Added support for: new version of Exact; DentalMate; DentalWorks; new version of Windent; EagleSoft 15.
Version 2.1 (Build 23) (Released 2009-04-16)
- Added support for SigmaImage OEMs.
Version 2.1 (Build 22) (Released 2009-01-06)
- Added new definitions for Orthoware.
- Added new definitions for Domtrak.
- Added new definitions for VersaSuite.
- Updated definitions for Dentrix Family File.
- Added new definitions for DentalMate.
- Updated definitions for PerfectByte.
Version 2.1 (Build 19) (Released 2008-11-04)
- Added auto-launch definitions for: DDSWorks; Maxiviewer; AFP_Digital; Dr.SuniNL.
Version 2.1 (Build 18) (Released 2008-07-03)
- Added auto-launch definitions for Belmont software.
Version 2.1 (Build 16) (Released 2008-02-26)
- Corrected the Cornerstone definition.
- Added Dentrix Appointment Book definition.
- Made changes to WinOMS definition.
Version 2.1 (Build 15) (Released 2008-01-16)
- Updated short creation to automatically fill in the working/start-in directory.
- Maintenance build.
Version 2.1 (Build 14) (Released 2007-10-25)
- Added new definitions for PefectByte.
Version 2.1 (Build 12) (Released 2007-07-27)
- Added new definitions for Practice-Web.
- Added new definitions for Patient Base.
- Added new definitions for EasyDent.
- Added new definitions for Open Dental.
- Added new definitions for Medims.
- Added new definitions for AVI Mark.
Version 2.1 (Build 11) (Released 2007-03-08)
- Added new definitions for Cornerstone.
- Added new definitions for Dentrix.
- Added new definitions for WinOMS.
- Added new definitions for Oral Surgeon Exec.
- Added new definitions for IntraVet.
Version 2.1 (Build 10) (Released 2007-01-23)
- Added new definitions for Dentrix G2 Patient Chart.
Version 2.1 (Build 9) (Released 2006-12-15)
- Added ability to invoke AFP Digital application.
Version 2.1 (Build 7) (Released 2006-12-04)
- Renamed TDOCS sniffers to better distinguish between the various retail products.
Version 2.1 (Build 6) (Released 2006-11-10)
- Added support for EZ.
- Added support for DentiMax.
- Added support for BridgeIT.
Version 2.1 (Build 2) (Released 2006-08-11)
- Added ability for NameGrabber to invoke other XrayVision/XVLite OEM.
- Added support for DentalVision.
- Added support for XLDent.
- Added support for new Dentrix screen.
- Added new sniffing capabilites.
- Added support for Conerstone.
Version 2.0 (Build 28) (Released 2006-06-19)
- Changed window searching capabilities of DataGrabber. New implementation finds sub-windows better than prior versions.
Version 2.0 (Build 24) (Released 2006-05-02)
- Corrected problem where a patient’s middle name can cause non-matches to an applications database for certain DataDrill extensions (i.e. Dentrix).
Version 2.0 (Build 22) (Released 2006-03-21)
- Added support for Julie
- Corrected problem where an application extension my be launched even if it was disabled if the target application is valid.
Version 2.0 (Build 20) (Released 2006-02-22)
- Added support for Walrus.
- Reorganized PracticeWorks definitions.
- Added support for DentiMax.
- Added support for EasyDental 2005
Version 2.0 (Build 19) (Released 2005-12-09)
- Added options to run DataGrabber as a desktop window instead of an icon in the system tray. This is to accommodate running the software on other operating environments like Citrix.
Version 2.0 (Build 18) (Released 2005-12-09)
- Added support for EagleSoft 11 history screen.
- Added support for Windent Transaction screen.
- Added support for NextGen patient screen.
- Optimized disk I/O operations.
Version 2.0 (Build 16) (Released 2005-11-14)
- Added support for EagleSoft 12 edit appointment and edit patient screens.
Version 2.0 (Build 15) (Released 2005-11-14)
- Added ability to specify multiple definitions for the same field (e.g. “%f %f %l”). The new multiple definitions are concatenated together to form the corresponding entry. Example “a b c” matched against “%f %f %l” results in a first name of “a b” and a last name of “c”.
Version 2.0 (Build 11) (Released 2005-07-16)
- Added KODAK Praticeworks definitions.
Version 2.0 (Build 10) (Released 2005-07-13)
- Improved process sniffing definitions.
- Update Exact Dental definitions.
Version 2.0 (Build 9) (Released 2005-07-06)
- Added new EZ Dental definitions.
- Added new Dentisoft definitions.
- Added Power Practice Pro support.
- Update Dentrix definitions.
Version 2.0 (Build 8) (Released 2005-05-06)
- Corrected PraticeWorks definitions.
- Added definitions.
Version 2.0 (Build 7) (Released 2005-04-25)
- Added new PracticeWorks v5 and v6 definitions.
Version 2.0 (Build 6) (Released 2005-04-05)
- Added graphic grabbing support.
- Control pull in multiple control definitions auto focus to associated extraction format.
- Terminal error that can be encountered when updating a definition in the sniffer definition dialog corrected.
- Window pull functionality corrected in multiple-control definitions when the window pull is dragged over more than one application.
- Definition copy-to-clipboard option added.
Version 2.0 (Build 5) (Released 2005-02-21)
- Miscellaneous fixes and changes.
- Easy Dental 2004 definitions added.
- DESCO definitions added.
- Discus dental products definitions renamed.
- Support added for next generation information sniffing. This support is not currently active in this version of the product.
Version 1.0 (Build 17) (Released 2004-11-09)
- Added definitions for: Softdent Clinical 2002; PatientBase; AVI Mark; TDOCS 9.x.
Version 1.0 (Build 14) (Released 2004-03-08)
- Added definitions for Innova.
- Updated definitions for Easy Dental 2002.
- Added definitions for TDOCS.
- Updated definitions for Dentrix.
Version 1.0 (Build 8) (Released 2003-11-19)
- Schick DGDLL v1.0 v5: correction to name order.
Version 1.0 (Build 8) (Released 2003-11-18)
- Universal Integrator: Registration banner new graphic.
- Apteryx name removed from DataDrill version information in the About dialog and the DataDrill options dialog.
- Universal Integrator: About information changed: Apteryx’s name as much as possbile; Schick name added; “developed by” information changed; Schick trademarks and tradenames added.
- Universal Integrator: Requested menu changes and web links made.
- Universal Integrator: Help points to Universal Integrator version of the on-line help.
- Universal Integrator: Error message removed when LoadExam() function fails.