XVWeb Release Notes
Version 2.1.47 (21 November 2019)
New Features in 2.1.47
NEW Editing Privilege
- New user privilege for editing DICOM metadata (#739)
- AD FS claim
- Users with this privilege can access image Advanced Edit
- IMPORTANT Admin currently also has this privilege, and will retain it only through January 2020. Please begin updating user privileges appropriately.
- Create a layout from a template (#636)
- The customer should be able to create new Series layouts from a list of templates. This will make creating new layouts easier in general, but also allow customers to re-create layouts on their own.
- Display Continuous Endo Series as grid (#680)
- Expected behavior for displaying Continuous Endo Series is to show only the first and last image. All other images a hidden (ghosted). When those images are made visible, they will be displayed as a grid layout.
- Site setting for enabling Mixed Modality (#721)
- Layout support for mixed modality will be disabled by default. Site admins can enable it in
Settings / User Settings / Enable Mixed Modality Layouts
- Import Patient (#657)
- Added an Import Patient link next to Import DICOM to make it easier to access that screen. This bypasses the need to type in a patient known not to exist to get to that button.
Site Settings and User Administration
- Show expiration date for temporary users (#682)
- Admin users can see the expiration dates for temporary users in the User List.
- Customize the format of the patient’s name (#759)
- Improved the customization options.
- Removed the previous formatting needed a
for each field.
- Existing format strings will be automatically updated during software release.
Input | Output
f | first name initial
ff | first name
l | last name initial
ll | last name
m | additional (middle) name initial
mm | additional (middle) name
All other input pass to output
- Customize the time and date display format (#761)
- Added displaying 24-hour time
- Existing format strings will be automatically updated during software release.
__Hour, minute, second, millisecond, and offset formatting
Tokens are case-sensitive.
Input Example Description
H HH 0..23 Hours (24 hour time)
h hh 1..12 Hours (12 hour time used with a A.)
k kk 1..24 Hours (24 hour time from 1 to 24)
a A am pm Post or ante meridiem
m mm 0..59 Minutes
s ss 0..59 Seconds
S SS SSS 0..999 Fractional seconds
Z ZZ +12:00 Offset from UTC as +-HH:mm, +-HHmm, or Z
__Year, month, and day formatting
Tokens are case-sensitive.
Input Example Description
YYYY 2014 4 or 2 digit year
YY 14 2 digit year
Y -25 Year with any number of digits and sign
Q 1..4 Quarter of year. Sets month to first month in quarter.
M MM 1..12 Month number
MMM MMMM Jan..December Month name in locale set by moment.locale()
D DD 1..31 Day of month
Do 1st..31st Day of month with ordinal
DDD DDDD 1..365 Day of year
- Notification hyperlinks for shared Studies and Patients (#715)
- A link should be added to each notification about a shared study or patient.
- Query page redesign (#730)
- Removed query by date
- Added buttons to directly import and capture
- Simplified adding and removing query search filters
Image Labels
- Edit existing annotation labels (#777)
- Most labels show the bounding corners when selected. The label area can be adjusted by left-clicking a corner and moving it.
New in 3D
- Make adjustments to the line thickness for measurements and arrows (#753)
- Make circle and rectangle annotations (#754, #755)
- Undo/redo curve tracings (#756)
- Pan the tracing viewport using left-click and drag (#778)
- Remove a point on the curve trace (#783)
- Select a point with the mouse, and press backspace or delete to remove it.
- Various user interface and display improvements
Bugs Removed
- FIXED Images could not be placed in layouts (IE11) (#527)
- FIXED Site search requirements would not persist. (#744)
- FIXED There was an issue that prevented some customers from forwarding panoramic images to the DICOM server. (#766)
- FIXED Various image enhancements and labeling issues.
Known Issues
- Interop bridge is not working in IE11 (#522)