XVWeb Release Notes
Version 2.1.43 (2019-10-24)
This release has the revamped and retooled 3D Viewer! Some of those new features are described below, but for those of you who are using the 3D viewer, a helper document has been embedded into your first visit of the new viewer. We also have made some changes under the hood, including improved handling of images to greatly reduce those failure-to-load Xs in your displays.
And new to the release notes is a way to help us track the work we do with information we share with you. Thanks for using XVWeb!
New Features!
Progressively load series previews
- #298 The three most recent series previews are loaded first with a message at the bottom of the preview bar counting the number of loaded images and total images. Click “Load more” to continue displaying series previews, adding three at a time.
Mixed Modality Layouts
- #371
- #381 Now you can view a study with two different modalities. They can co-exist in the same layout using mixed modality.
#538 The default enhancement Apteryx IO Filter
has been updated to reflect the recommended settings as used by the support team.
#585 IOFilter
and IOFilter2
enhancements now have default settings during creation, in case they need to be recreated.
Capture privilege is now Capture / Import
- #556 Our ongoing efforts to have the software be more clear and direct.
- #586 In Layouts, instances can be placed in tiles by instance number in addition to teeth numbers.
New Look
- Streamlined breadcrumbs, the patient-study-series-instance info, in series view screen.
- New Zoom In—Zoom Out buttons, instead of separate Zoom menu.
- Replaced Series view button with Hide/Show arrows at the bottom of Series Preview panel.
3D Viewer (A lot of newness going on here!)
- #622 “What’s Changed” pop-up and document for 3D changes.
- Implant library menu now also accessible by double-clicking any implant in the curve view.
- Selecting a new implant from the implant library menu should replace the current implant in the curve view.
- The current view is saved with the CT image.
- Exporting CT images defaults to DICOM format (#559)
- New look! The menus have been reorganized to provide more screen for the image, and better access to tools (#566)
- Volume settings menu improvements (#568)
- Improvements to saving changes made to a CT image: #569
- Open, Save and Save As… buttons.
- Implant library improvements: #571
- Removed custom implant functionality,
- Added column sorting,
- Color scheme changed.
- Added a favorite implants list.
- Smoother movement when adjusting implant position.
Email link expiration extended to seven (7) days (#612)
Updated image for when an image load fails (#582)
Exporting with Save As now will include labels (#597)
Passwords are now optional when exporting jpeg or png image files via email (#530)
Features – Architectural
- Validate gender fields on DICOM store.
- Partition DICOM log tables.
- Client-side image caching adjusted for various XVWeb sites.
- Client-side Image Cache
- This has been enabled for the majority XVWeb sites where the policies allow.
- Import DICOM with metadata
- DICOM files should be imported with metadata as is.
- Image cache
- We now stop caching raw image files and we have reduced the number of hits to the Redis cache.
- Query Tables Refactor.
- Automatic client-side retries for image loading after failures.
Bugs Squashed!
- Printing
- FIXED Print preview can fail without reporting an error. We will now show you errors.
- FIXED Print preview used to retain cached preview.
- Enhancements and Labels
- FIXED Enhance and Label tools should always be available when only one instance is selected.
- FIXED Name field not cleared after saving a new enhancement.
- FIXED Changing series adds a new annotation layer.
- FIXED Line and pen thickness did not change.
- FIXED Clicking on an annotation hides its fill color.
- Series
- FIXED Instances not always displayed in the same order.
- Layouts
- FIXED Place-in-layout close button style.
- FIXED Instances sometimes would not display in the same order in mixed modality layouts.
- FIXED Non-image type files could be imported into layouts that were not designed for those other types.
- Queries
- FIXED Querying by date returned unexpected results.
- Importing and Capturing
- FIXED Importing into current series removed all other series bar previews.
- FIXED A single file could be selected multiple times during the import dialog creating multiple instances of that one file. There should only be one instance of each file during an import request.
- FIXED Any files could be placed in the import area even though only specific files are accepted by the server. Now, the import area will only accept files with the extension types displayed above the area.
- Exporting
- FIXED When applying Save As to two or more selected series the instances were interleaved in the output file.
- User Notifications
- FIXED Messages were not visible when moved from recent to read.
- FIXED Sometimes notifications remained beyond their expiration dates.
- Comparing
- FIXED Enhancements were not being applied when using the Compare tool.
- General XVWeb
- FIXED Reloading a page after viewing a single queried instance displayed all series instead of only the series with the current instance.
- FIXED Some website elements were not following the custom site color themes.
- FIXED UX – Mouse back and scroll wheel buttons will select a series preview.
- FIXED In IE11, the close button was partially obscured by the formatting for the site suspension message.
- FIXED Interop/Bridge flyout drew empty rectangle when connected. Now returns “Capture Bridge is Connected.”
- FIXED Bootstrap alert style interferes with account notification alert style.
- FIXED Fullscreen button displayed in header on iFrames.
- Sites Dashboard
- FIXED Sites Dashboard – Some sites will display every registration license instead of only current ones.
- Under the hood (We look for bugs everywhere.)
- FIXED Matrix multiplication with incorrect products.
- FIXED DICOM Anatomy SRT to Tooth conversion tool would not return Tooth value under certain conditions.
- FIXED Complex math add, subtract and multiply operations failed LERP tests.
- FIXED Users Accounts – Deleting a user throws a DOM Exception.
- Bugs! In 3D (get your glasses on!)
- FIXED Advanced Edit not available on CT instances.
- FIXED Undo and Redo unavailable for canal objects when there is no save file.
- FIXED Legacy 3D save files will not open.
- FIXED When a 3D preset exists in the local environment but not the remote server the series cannot be retrieved.
- FIXED Website panel titles will not display centered.
- FIXED Ruler in panoramic view will not display.
- FIXED Sometimes 3D Viewer fails to load when a single image fails to be fetched.